I was going through all my old photos on my comuter and ran across a ton of fun memories from last year. Enjoy.
The birth of little man was the happiest day<3

Watching Wes Borland strip and seeing an amazing new band play. Stolen Babies are sooo cute.
Snow days! Thats me on the back. ha!
Crafting :)
Fun little photo shoots<3
Loving this boy...<3
Saying bye to old friends...
A summer with this lovely little one. I miss it so much!....sometimes...
This is what we did... He made the big one!
This boy living here...i love you.
Festive cupcakes :) hah.
Visited this mans show several times throughout the year.
loving old friends.
We learned new tricks with sparklers on my birthday ;) thanks to
my sisters wedding and broken feets. <3
Thats all for now :) Im vey excited for 2010 its already been beautiful<3 goodnight!