Hi there! I wanted to share a couple of personal collections Ive acquired over the years. Turns out I have quite a few:)

Ive recently been very into childrens books. There just so cute! I read them when I feel too grown up and need some simple inspiration. I know that this is a less than impressive collection at the moment but just know that it will be growing... and fast.

Fabric. Its a good thing to have around.

My yarn <3 This isnt all of it but as you can see Im loving gray at the moment.

My mini polaroids! I love them oh so much.

and of course, my camera collection. My most prized of all.
Canon 50D, Minolta, Mini Polaroid, Mini Brownie, HVA Zhong, izone (remember those??) and various lovely lenses. ♥ ♥ ♥
Im going to enjoy some coffee with the lovely shannon today and explore some new local shops!
Oooooh, your camera collection is oh so lovely! I want to build one, too, but it's my goal to only own cameras that I are still working! Vintage as well as lomos. I really want a Diana F+!