Hi friends! I've moved to tumblr. Come see me at kileymaephoto!
My new blog/website has a very definitive direction. Ive been working on it for weeks deciding what sorts of things to post so come over to tumblr world and say hi!
****UPDATE**** The first link was wrong but I changed it. haha! Ok, now go enjoy. :)
June 13, 2011
May 23, 2011
Photo of the Day // A Beautiful Storm II
Another shot of the wicked sky Sunday night, the result of a disastrous set of tornadoes in Joplin, MO. I'm sure by now most of you have seen or heard of the damage in Joplin and it truly is a devastating time for Missouri. There are several groups set up that are accepting donations and time, anything would be greatly appreciated and donated directly to disaster relief.
May 22, 2011
Photo of the Day // A Beautiful Storm
This was the result of a horrible storm that swept through Missouri tonight. Friends of ours in Joplin Mo were particularly affected. The entire town is a mass of crushed buildings and hurtled vehicles. Thankfully our friends are okay but the town could use any help it can get. My heart is with them tonight.
May 20, 2011
Outfit// Interview!
Hi friends! I've been quiet lately, yes. But I'm here to share a fun spring outfit with you so cheer up:)
tights-thrifted, skirt-stolen from sister, top-dont know, shoes-thrifted:)
This week has been busy! I've been working on a portfolio all week for an interview with a photography company that is tonight! I cant wait. I spent the week rummaging through all of my images, picking the absolute best, and mounting them into a pretty portfolio! Wish me luck!
tights-thrifted, skirt-stolen from sister, top-dont know, shoes-thrifted:)
This week has been busy! I've been working on a portfolio all week for an interview with a photography company that is tonight! I cant wait. I spent the week rummaging through all of my images, picking the absolute best, and mounting them into a pretty portfolio! Wish me luck!
May 10, 2011
Join me on Flickr!
Guess what? I made a flickr. Yep, had to. Go see:)
I'm adding personal tid-bits of my life through the camera as well as some of my photography and some fun adventures!
Have fun browsing! I'm going to make this a regular part of my...er...social networking?
In other news my life has been like yarn in a huge tight knot, thanks to finals and my public speaking class. Public speaking is not for me. Its just not. And what a stupid thing to force students to spend their money and nerves on. Angry. I. am.
I'm adding personal tid-bits of my life through the camera as well as some of my photography and some fun adventures!
Have fun browsing! I'm going to make this a regular part of my...er...social networking?
In other news my life has been like yarn in a huge tight knot, thanks to finals and my public speaking class. Public speaking is not for me. Its just not. And what a stupid thing to force students to spend their money and nerves on. Angry. I. am.
May 5, 2011
Photo(s) of the Day//Record Store
These are all photos taken by me of my boyfriends record store Stick It In Your Ear! This is one of my favorite places to be in the world. Its filled with thousands of beautiful records at your fingertips! I love that no matter whats really going on in the world of music, this place keeps it alive and as meaningful as ever. Theres no better sound than the crackle of an old record being played, and no better feeling than holding a tangible object of someone elses dream.
Fresh Faced
I revamped my blog! What do you think? I wanted a simple and fresh look while keeping a fun vibe and I think I did it. Happy!:)
I'm working on an "about me" section, links, and a "contact" section so its still sort of under construction, but its coming along nicely. Its a nice little project away from all the end-of-semester homework I've been doing.
Today I'm listening to this all day...
They're so beautiful.
May 2, 2011
You Better Not Cry
The weather in my piece of the world has been less than pleasant. For weeks now. Rain, lighting, thunder, sun-peaks-out-just-long-enough-to-annoy-you. Repeat. I love it though. Suits me nicely.
To pass the time I've been reading a cute little book called, "You Better Not Cry" by Augusten Burroughs. Its a nice collection of the Christmas memories of an emotionally damaged gay man. And its hilarious! There were several nights where I read Patrick to sleep reciting funny stories and passages from the book.
This mans mind is beautiful.
What have you been reading?
May 1, 2011
Whats in my Bag?
Hmph! Wouldn't you like to know... Okay fine I'll show you.
1. My journal, I write all my secrets here. Like a child with a crush.
2.Satsuma Body Butter. Jesus in a container.
3.Planner from target.
4.Ipod- portable social networking and photo auto-tune.
5.Body Shop lip stuff. Stay...kissable?
6.Wallet. Empty.
7.Love Spell. Smell like a skanky bitch. Just kidding:) I saw that on Paris Hilton Perfume commercial once.
8.Picture People High resolution CD. Images of Patrick and I taken by Ali:)
9.Random debris. pen, receipt trash, starbucks straw wrapper, and some quarters.
Guess what I did this weekend? Broke my foot. True story. I was dancing to Michael Jackson on the wii.
1. My journal, I write all my secrets here. Like a child with a crush.
2.Satsuma Body Butter. Jesus in a container.
3.Planner from target.
4.Ipod- portable social networking and photo auto-tune.
5.Body Shop lip stuff. Stay...kissable?
6.Wallet. Empty.
7.Love Spell. Smell like a skanky bitch. Just kidding:) I saw that on Paris Hilton Perfume commercial once.
8.Picture People High resolution CD. Images of Patrick and I taken by Ali:)
9.Random debris. pen, receipt trash, starbucks straw wrapper, and some quarters.
Guess what I did this weekend? Broke my foot. True story. I was dancing to Michael Jackson on the wii.
April 28, 2011
Photo of the Day//Baby Love
Baby Eli, my nephew, and my sister Sarah came to visit me tonight! Isn't he cute??
Shortly before this photo was taken Sarah was changing his diaper and he peed right in between her legs.
He peed her pants.
These things happen when your a mom. I won't become one any time soon.
Tomorrow is Friday which means I'm waking up at 5 to watch The Royal Wedding. Yes I am. I can't wait to see her dress! Then its the weekend:) Any fun plans?
April 27, 2011
Photo of the Day//My Kitty, Rosta
This is my Kitty-Cat, Rosta! I actually named him when I was 12 after the Rasta Grill in Austin, Texas. I didn't know about the whole rastafarian thing yet...
So that clears that up.
All of my "Photo of the Day" photos are taken with my Canon EOS 50D-standard lense and are lightly edited on my computer. Usually just high contrast and focusing are added to the image. I added a vignette and desaturated this image to give it a cozy look.
I've never been super into pet photography but have recently stumbled upon some really inspiring and creative photos of pets.
Do you have a favorite pet photo or pet photographer? I'd love to see!
April 26, 2011
Photo of the Day//Family Love
This photo of my sisters pretty family was taken Easter weekend at my moms house there's a ton more cute ones but this one is my favorite. Fun Fact: Tuesdays are my favorite day:) Happy Tuesday!
April 23, 2011
Photo of the Day//Anti-Abortion Nazis
I found this while visiting my sister about an hour away from Spingfield, Mo I thought it would make for very powerful photos. It is a graveyard for aborted babies. It is impossibly disrespectful. Kudos to you small town, Missouri.
April 5, 2011
A dear friend recently told me about shopruche and I can't thank her enough:)
The new ShopRuche look book is so pretty! I lovelove the photography! I'm really into super sunny hazy photos. With sun spots. There must be sun spots.

Gorgeous, no? I've been so so busy with homework this week its been exhausting!! But tomorrow Patrick and I are going to Kansas City to see Queens of the Stone Age play! I'm so excited. Of course I'm happy to see them play but my favorite part about these little trips is the nostalgia. Road trips are something we've been doing since we were very first together and we have our own K.C. traditions. I love being trapped in the car with him for 3 hours and talking! I cant wait. See you thursday:)
The new ShopRuche look book is so pretty! I lovelove the photography! I'm really into super sunny hazy photos. With sun spots. There must be sun spots.

Gorgeous, no? I've been so so busy with homework this week its been exhausting!! But tomorrow Patrick and I are going to Kansas City to see Queens of the Stone Age play! I'm so excited. Of course I'm happy to see them play but my favorite part about these little trips is the nostalgia. Road trips are something we've been doing since we were very first together and we have our own K.C. traditions. I love being trapped in the car with him for 3 hours and talking! I cant wait. See you thursday:)
April 1, 2011
Holy Vintage!

Hi there! I just wanted to pop in and share some of my favorite vintage items from etsy right now! Ive been in a serious vintage mood lately so enjoy!

I love this juice jar from topshop!
it sort of matches this jelly bean jar that i thrifted:

now i really think i need it...

very obsessed with this carry on from trustfund21...

im loving hats for spring this season and this one from humblevintagethreadsis so perfect!
Happy Friday! We bought Black Swan tonight so I'm going to go snuggle up with the boy and watch it! love that movie.
March 30, 2011
Just-for-fun shoot
The other day my good friend Shannon and I went to take some pretty spring photos, even though around here its still like, freezing. I was in the mood for spring, I mean, its almost April people! So I introduce to you, the lovely Shannon Kiley...
(p.s. her last name is my first name! and she spells it the same! i think this friendship was meant to be:)

isn't she pretty?:)
I'm off to my sister, Anje's house to play with the nephew and eat yummy food, happy wednesday!
(p.s. her last name is my first name! and she spells it the same! i think this friendship was meant to be:)

isn't she pretty?:)
I'm off to my sister, Anje's house to play with the nephew and eat yummy food, happy wednesday!
March 24, 2011

My sister, Sarahs pages. I used old book paper, scrap fabric (my favorite prints), buttons, mini polaroids, and graph paper. I also cut out a poem from an old book that reminded me of her:) her page is my favorite!

The opening and patricks page. I used blank book paper, buttons, fabric and a little bit of paint ♥
Im totally in love with with mini scrapbooks. I love that you can use anything in your house to make them eye-catching and personal. The possibilities are endlessss!
I used a mini edgar allen poe book-set as paper supply, it was perfect size and made for an interesting back ground.
I also have an old view-finder that my grandma got for me lying around. I love view finders. and i love them more for aesthetic design purposes. I made a page for my older sister using one. So pretty.
Theses mini pages were easy to fill and I had so much fun designing pages while listening to muse and the cure. it was like, the perfect night:)
March 20, 2011
My Sunday Outfit...

Today was beautiful here in Springfield. Boyfriend and I went to Branson to spend a date-day together and we accidentally spent like 60 dollars on hot sauce...oops:) but we made fantastic chili! I even sweat a little. Thats a good sign, right?
Dress&tights-envy, Shoes-charlotte russe, Camera necklace-gifted for valentines day, suitcase-hrifted and hand painted by me, glasses-breaking. (Thought I'd share since its been occupying my mind more than anything lately. So deeply annoying. My glasses need to die.)
Um, goodnight! Its bubble bath time for me.
March 13, 2011
Birthday Bash!

My nephews birthday party was yesterday but mostly it was a fun excuse to get everyone together, he was just enjoying his new swing set and extended access to 20 different peoples cell phones. Patrick and I took him to get a build-a-bear, he was less than impressed... I took advantage of the beautiful decorations and pretty people to snap a few fun shots.

And a beautiful photo of sarah and Eli:)

The bad thing about being the designated photographer at every function is that there are never any photos of myself, oops:) But wasn't it pretty? My sister is the best party thrower, agreed? Happy Sunday!
March 11, 2011
Modcloth Wish*List
Have I mentioned how in love I am with Modcloth? Ill say it again, I ♥ Modcloth! Here's my latest wish list. Now I just have to find a bank to rob... just kidding. I wouldn't rob a bank. I repeat, I will not rob a bank for the sake of insanely cute things. Now that that's cleared up:

The Soda Fountain Dress in Ginger.

Morning Glory Coffeehouse Dress

Blooming Brush Strokes Dress

Atop the Grand Staircase Dress!
First off, I wanna know who comes up with all these brilliant names for product? Its a sneaky and very catchy sales tactic... I'm not above being sucked right in.
Second, my fashion sense has been highly influenced by Chuck from Pushing Daisies lately if you couldn't tell, and if you couldn't tell, shame on you for not watching that show.
Happy Weekend! Does anyone have any fun plans??
March 10, 2011
Happy birthday, Caden!
Today is my nephew, Cadens happy birthday. He's 2! And I can't even believe how fast he grows! He is the most fun toddler in town:) and has way too much personality his favorite sayings are
"hi" (while calling random people from whatever phone he can get his hands on)
"go" which means 'follow me... Now!'
"Mo pees" (more please)
"gabbagabba" (it's a toddler disease.)
He loves to:
Watch yo gabba gabba
Listen to music and dance
Wash his hands...umm I think my sister is raising Mr. Clean...
He loves mowing with daddy and of course his favorite person on the planet is me:)
Here Are my favorite iPhone photos of him:)

We had a photo shoot at the studio today for him with cake and rain boots. So fun:)
Happy 2nd birthday, Caden!
Love, auntie Kiley
"hi" (while calling random people from whatever phone he can get his hands on)
"go" which means 'follow me... Now!'
"Mo pees" (more please)
"gabbagabba" (it's a toddler disease.)
He loves to:
Watch yo gabba gabba
Listen to music and dance
Wash his hands...umm I think my sister is raising Mr. Clean...
He loves mowing with daddy and of course his favorite person on the planet is me:)
Here Are my favorite iPhone photos of him:)

We had a photo shoot at the studio today for him with cake and rain boots. So fun:)
Happy 2nd birthday, Caden!
Love, auntie Kiley
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