today was a very sick day for me. but im a trooper, after guilt tripping my boss to let me stay home i failed and went in anyway, but only for 3 hours.
It all started yesterday morning on arguably one of the most important days of my sisters life, i woke up brought her starbucks and watched her graduate from college!!! it was such a happy time and I am sososo proud of her! but shortly after, I got sickly. like, puking-green-slime-cant-walk-or-open-your-eyes sick. bummer. and it was my dads birthday yesterday. double bummer. At least I got to attend the ceremony and watch the very first person in my entire family to graduate college. It was sort of a big deal. like, way big. and again, im so proud and inspired by her motivation and dedication, i am at such an advantage to have a big sister that has paved the way for me to succeed. lovelovelove her.

Im wrapping presents and then going to bed. nightnight.
ReplyDeleteOh thanks:) its available at iNDie right now!